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13 August, 2016

Quick Fix - Slice IN

In our Grab It Magazine iPad episodes, which are listed below, we have a regular feature called Quick Fix. These are bite sized mini-reviews for those games that are great to have in your pocket during commutes, waiting in line, commercial breaks, or for when the person you are talking to on the phone has nothing interesting to say but you still want to earn the credit for staying on the line and being a good listener.

Episode one for example - which is free - looks at Mega Dead Pixel, HAR.MO.NY, and the outstanding Ridiculous Fishing. Read on for a Quick Fix as we look at Bica Studios’ second game - Slice IN.

After the studio’s solid and very polished first outing - Smash Time - we were keen to see what Bica Studios would come up with next, and with such obvious time and effort having going into that first title, it was a surprise to see a follow up so soon.

Slice IN however feels a bit more like an idea for a game rather than a fully fleshed out one. A circle with a slice cut out of it slowly rotates at the top of the screen, with the removed slice pointing upwards from the bottom. Gameplay involves tapping the screen when the circle is at the correct point to accept its missing slice. Watching the preview below will show you everything you need to know. As you progress the circle’s speed of rotation increases, and the cut out slices are smaller so as to increase difficulty. Some circles will have several slices that need to be placed, and after each placement the circle may start spinning in the other direction.

In an effort to game-ify the idea, you’ll be told what sort of animal you are depending on how far you’ve progressed. Flunk out in the early levels and you’ll be told you are a mosquito or frog, with animals gradually increasing in size and grandeur as you progress. I’ve reached the level of a dolphin.

Free to download and play, Slice IN is monetised by ads scrolling on the bottom of the screen with full video ads viewable in order to restore your lives.

Slice IN is a solid enough idea but the novelty doesn’t last long, and if Smash Time is the team’s debut game, then I’m going to chalk Slice IN as game number 1.5.

It is encouraging when a studio releases games that have nothing at all in common, rather than just constantly turning out more of the same, and with this in mind we’re definitely looking forward to Bica Studios’ third game (or second if we stick to my weird metric).

Garry Balogh

If you are wondering who we are, we're primarily a digital magazine for the iPad focused on the coverage of indie video games. Run by the former editor of Game Informer, you'll find worldwide exclusives, but also an interactive media experience unlike any you have seen before. If you have an iPad, you should check out the free sample issue at the very least, or enjoy one of our other episodes as listed below.

Get Every Episode:
- Episode 1 - Includes The Making of République (*free sample issue*)
- Episode 2 - Includes The Making of Oceanhorn
- Episode 3 - Includes The Making of Monument Valley
- Episode 4 - Includes The Making of Last Inua
- Episode 5 - Includes The Making of World of Tanks Blitz
- Grab It Episodes 2-5 Bundle
- Episode 6 - Includes The Making of Magic the Gathering
- Episode 7 - Includes The Making of Tiny Troopers Alliance and Midnight Star
- Episode 8 - The PAX AUS edition
- Grab It Presents Nihilumbra - Classics Collection
- Grab It Presents Ultimate Indie Game Reviews Vol 1.

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